King Klan

Life- Live it and Love it!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

funny things

One night I was laying bed and I heard Kaia get out of bed. THen I heard Sharlee
"Kaia, were you scared? Is that why you came in my bed?"
"Thats ok"

Another night I could here singing so I walk in the hall and hear Ryder singing in his crib. "Kaia I love you Kaia I do" "Sharlee I love you Sharlee I do." To the tune on the song mother I love you I sing it to the kids at night but with there names. His voice was so sweet.

While Adam was bringing Kaia in to the house from the car. She sleeply opened an eye and said "Daddy came you carry me to my bed I'm tierd" "Yes sweetie I'll carry you" "And Daddy, I don't need to brush my teeth I have super powers they wont fall out." Then she was out.

I want to be able to remember all these silly and sweet moments

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