King Klan

Life- Live it and Love it!

Friday, September 25, 2009

a bunch of stuff

We went to LA to see Baby Mason isnt he cute

Saturday we took King side family picture (those will come later.) Then pictures of Mason, Tori and Briana.
Then we had a birthdat party for the girls. This time Belle came. Sharlee told me since the friend party that BElle was coming to this party and Ive told her no shes no, She didnt believe me so I worked my mom magic last minute since she was so set on it and Belle came. I told Sharlee Belle was coming and she said I Know as in I told you so Mom. But it was worth the last minute extra work because the girls were so happy.

Sunday was Adams B-day. We had a family Lunch for him and his dads b-days.
Monday We went to the LA zoo and the girls loved it. Then we headed home

Went to Andersons Split pea on the way home for dinner Adam found a new love.

Tuesday the 15th The girls had there first day of school. I started a preschool were moms in the group trade days teaching and the girls are having a great time and Im loving some down time.

We had a ton of fun in Utah. We even went to This is the point. My mom made the kids these cute outfits!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

8 months

well we made it 8 months! This month he has hit the turbo button on his crawling. he has got really fast. He has also cut 5 teeth almost 6. Its like hes face has change because of that. In this photo shoot he kept doing a pouty face because of his teeth he way feeling them with his lips. These are simaliar to the ones I did of the girls at this age they all hang in my bathroom

These are some Daddy Son shots You can see his teeth in the last one.