King Klan

Life- Live it and Love it!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

What up with us

A few weeks ago we went to the science museum and had a lot of fun with Daddy and Grandma

Driving on the moon

Kaia Having fun with the magnifying glass

Sharlee too

I always knew my kids were out of this world

For school we went to Round Table and saw and learned how they make there pizzas and the kids got to each make there own!

It's been raining for a few days so we decided it was time to take a walk in the rain and the kids LOVE IT!

Finding all the worms was as fun as playing in the puddles

All wet and ready for a warm bath

Having fun making Lepercon Traps. They set them up the night before St. Patrick's Day

The gold that the Lepercon left They almost caught him or Her the girls made there traps for a girl